
How to Deal with Clients Who Want an Immediate Quote

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One common challenge self-employed professionals may face is dealing with clients who demand an immediate quote during their first interaction. While it can be frustrating to deal with impatient clients, there is a fine line between setting boundaries and considering your client’s need for urgency with professionalism and tact.

This article will explore effective strategies for dealing with clients seeking immediate quotes. We will discuss the importance of open communication, setting clear expectations, and finding a balance between your and your clients’ needs. By implementing these techniques, you can navigate these situations confidently, ensuring client satisfaction and your services’ integrity.

Reasons Why Clients May Request an Immediate Quote

They’re on a Budget

Clients often have a budget in mind when commissioning work, and some may be tighter than others. They may want to have an idea of what your fees are before deciding to work with you and are potentially making a price comparison between a few potential choices.

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Time Is of the Essence

Some clients may be working on a tight schedule. They may be under pressure to make a decision as quickly as possible and need to assess how financially feasible your rates are compared to others.

They Don’t Have Any Idea of What to Budget

The client may not have any idea of what the project should cost and is trying to work out a budget as quickly as possible. 

They Want to Negotiate

Some clients use quotes as a starting point for negotiations. They may want to discuss potential discounts, package deals, or additional services within their budget constraints.

Understanding the motivations behind clients’ requests for immediate quotes can allow you to tailor your response and address any underlying concerns. 

How to Deal With Immediate Quote Requests

✅ Communicate Expectations

Ask your client what their expectations are for the project’s cost, and determine their budget so that you can tell them whether or not it is feasible. 

✅ Be Polite & Professional

Throughout the process, remain polite and professional in your dealings with the client. Understand that they have their reasons for requesting an immediate quote, and try to be respectful of their needs.

✅ Gather Essential Information

Request all of the necessary details from the client to ensure an accurate and speedy quote. Ask about the project scope, specifications, timelines, and other relevant factors impacting your pricing. 


✅ Be Transparent

If you cannot provide a quote immediately, explain why. The client may not understand the intricacies of some quotes and may need you to provide a better timeline for when you will be able to provide a quote.

✅ Offer Preliminary Pricing Ranges

If possible, provide the client with a general pricing range to give them a sense of cost while explaining that a detailed quote will require a more thorough evaluation. This can help manage their expectations while showing that you are responsive to their needs.

✅ Provide Detailed Documentation

When delivering the quote, be sure to provide a detailed breakdown of the costs and why you quoted them. Include fees for your time, materials that you may need, and any other fees that may be necessary. 

✅ Follow Up and Address Concerns

After providing the quote, follow up with the client to ensure that they have received it and address any questions or concerns that they may have. 

Quoting Software to Help You Speed Up the Process

Thankfully, there is a way to streamline the quotation process. Some software has been designed specifically for creating quotes, and many accounting software include a quotation feature. Below are our favorites. 



Scoro is an effective and efficient project management software that is fantastic for quoting and billing your clients for your services. With this powerful quoting tool, you can send quotes, handle billing, and manage your workflows from just $26 per month.


PandaDoc to deal with an immediate quote

PandaDoc is a document automation software that can help you to increase your close rates and shorten the sales cycle for only $19 a month. Custom quotes and proposals can be made and sent in minutes, and document analytics track when a customer opens, views, and signs the proposal. 



Quotient is an online quoting and proposal software, complete with templates and a tracker for when quotes are opened by the client. With attractive presentations and easy integration with accounting software such as Xero, Quotient subscriptions currently start at $20 per month. 


Dealing with clients who demand an immediate quote can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can handle these situations as effectively as possible. By following the strategies outlined above, you can confidently and professionally navigate immediate quote requests.

Additionally, quoting software can help you streamline the quotation process, enabling you to provide quotes more efficiently, handle immediate quote requests with professionalism, and ensure client satisfaction while preserving the quality of your work.

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How to Deal with Clients Who Want an Immediate Quote

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