
How to Schedule Client Meetings as a Freelancer

How to Schedule and Run Client Meetings

Keeping an open line of communication is important for maintaining positive relationships with your clients. Therefore, knowing how to schedule and manage client meetings is essential for running a successful business and helps keep clients happy, making them more likely to return for more.

In this article, we will take a look at the best practices for scheduling and holding client meetings, as well as how to create a post-meeting action plan.

How to Schedule Client Meetings

How to Schedule and Run Client Meetings

Naturally, one would first need to schedule the meeting before meeting with a client. First, determine the reason or the need for the meeting; is it to speak to a potential client or to update a current client about deliverables?

Identify who needs to be present at the meeting, and contact them via email to assess their availability and explain the goal of the meeting. Once you have a time that works for all parties, you can discuss a meeting place or schedule a virtual meeting on a platform such as Zoom or Google Meet. 

Before the meeting, remember to send reminders to all participants. You should also be clear about the estimated duration of the meeting, as well as any additional instructions. Be sure to plan out the meeting beforehand and to have all of your necessary information prepared. 

Best Practices for Running Client Meetings

Client Meetings 1

✅ Prepare an Agenda

According to this report, a lack of agenda is considered one of the biggest meeting grievances. Create a clear and concise agenda outlining the topics to be discussed during the meeting, and share the agenda with the other participants beforehand to allow them time to prepare. Stick to the agenda as best as possible, and only go off-topic when necessary.

✅ Be Punctual

Be sure to start the meeting on time as a sign of respect for the client’s time. Ensure all necessary participants are present and ready to begin, and if any delays are unavoidable, communicate them in advance and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

✅ Encourage Participation

Encourage open discussion and active participation from all participants; ask for their feedback, opinions, thoughts, and suggestions to create a collaborative atmosphere. Foster an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions.

✅ Listen Actively

Give your full, undivided attention to the client(s) and listen actively to what they are saying. Ask relevant questions and take notes to make sure that you understand them clearly.

✅ Manage Time Effectively

Your client likely has a busy schedule, so be sure not to let the meeting run for longer than planned. Allocate appropriate time for each agenda item, and if necessary, politely guide the discussion back on track if it veers off-topic. 

✅ Address Concerns and Questions

Be prepared to address any concerns or questions raised by your client. Offer clarification, provide additional information, and propose solutions whenever possible. If you’re unable to address a concern during the meeting, be sure to follow up as soon as possible afterwards.

Client Meetings 2

✅ Summarize and Recap

Towards the end of the meeting, summarize the key points discussed and clarify any tasks or next steps. Manage expectations and ensure that all participants are clear on the decisions made and topics discussed. Take notes throughout the meeting or record it with a tool like Loom, so that you can relook at what was discussed if necessary.

✅ Follow Up Promptly

After the meeting, follow up with any promised actions, deliverables, or additional information. Send a thank-you note to the client for their time and reiterate any important points. A prompt follow-up shows your commitment to your client and helps maintain momentum on the project.

Create a Post-Meeting Action Plan

After a meeting with a client, it’s crucial to follow up and take any necessary action to ensure that the discussion and decisions made during the meeting are implemented. Here’s a post-meeting action plan to help you stay organized and move forward:

Review Your Meeting Notes

Take a look at the notes that you made during the meeting, and identify any next steps that need to be taken. If any information is missing or unclear, reach out to other participants or the client for clarification.

Develop an Action Plan

Once you know what needs to be done, you can create an action plan and outline what steps you need to take. If necessary, break down the actions into milestones, and set deadlines for each.

Client Meetings 3

Collaborate and Communicate

Keep an open line of communication between you and any other team members, and collaborate with stakeholders to organize and take action to complete tasks. 


Scheduling and running client meetings requires effective communication, preparation, and active engagement. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can enhance the efficiency and productivity of your client meetings. 

Additionally, developing a post-meeting action plan ensures that the decisions made during the meeting are implemented and progress is made towards achieving desired outcomes. By incorporating these strategies into your approach, you can foster strong client relationships and drive success in your business.

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How to Schedule Client Meetings as a Freelancer

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