
Effective Strategies for Dealing with Late Payments as a Freelancer

Dealing with Late Payments as a Freelancer

One of the most prevalent struggles in any freelancer’s career is dealing with late payments. Not only does it disrupt a person’s cash flow, but it can cause a great deal of unnecessary stress to navigate the issue with the client. 

In this article, we will discuss strategies for dealing with late payments as a freelancer through proactive measures, communication techniques, and dispute resolution options to ensure timely payment and maintain healthy client relationships.

The Impact of Late Payments on Freelancers

Dealing with Late Payments as a Freelancer

According to this report by Bonsai, up to 29% of freelance invoices are paid late. Late payments can be detrimental to freelance professionals in many ways. Some examples of how late payments impact freelancers include:

  • Cash Flow Issues: Freelancers rely on timely payments to cover their personal and business expenses. When clients pay late, it can create cash flow problems, making it difficult for freelancers to pay their bills and meet their financial responsibilities.
  • Delayed Personal Payments: Late payments can force freelancers to delay their own payments, such as rent, utilities, or loan installments. This can result in late fees, penalties, or even damage to their credit score.
  • Strained Client Relationships: Late payments strain the relationship between freelancers and their clients. It can create mistrust and frustration, making it challenging to maintain a positive working relationship. 
  • Increased Administrative Work: Freelancers are forced to spend valuable time and effort sending reminders, making follow-up calls, and dealing with payment disputes. This burden takes away from the time that could be spent on more productive work or acquiring new clients.
  • Difficulty Planning and Budgeting: Late payments can be seriously damaging to the financial well-being of freelancers, with 20% of self-employed professionals having found themselves without enough money to cover basic living costs. 
  • Need for Emergency Funding: In some cases, freelancers may need to seek emergency funding or borrow money to cover their immediate financial needs when faced with late payments.  
  • Impact on Mental Health: Dealing with the financial stress from late payments can have negative effects on freelancers’ mental well-being. In this study, over 75% of freelancers reported experiencing anxiety due to late payments, with 45% reporting significant stress or concern. 

There are many potential reasons that clients may not pay on time. It is important to understand these reasons, so as to handle the situation in a professional and empathetic manner while still setting clear boundaries.

Cash Flow Issues

Some potential reasons for late payment include:

  • Cash Flow Issues: Clients may be facing their own financial challenges, such as cash flow problems or unexpected expenses, which can lead to a delay in payments. 
  • Internal Processing Delays: Larger companies or organizations often have complex payment processes and multiple approval layers. Delays can occur if invoices get stuck in the internal review or approval process.
  • Administrative Errors: Clients may encounter administrative errors, such as misplaced or lost invoices, incorrect payment details, or mismatched purchase orders. These errors can cause delays in payment processing.
  • Disputes or Discrepancies: Clients might dispute the quality, completeness, or accuracy of the freelancer’s work, leading to payment delays until the issues are resolved. 
  • Procedural Inefficiencies: Some clients may have slow or inefficient payment systems, which can contribute to delayed payments. This could be due to outdated processes, technological limitations, or bureaucratic hurdles.

However, regardless of the client’s reason for a delayed payment, it is their responsibility to communicate the reason for the delay, as well as an estimate for when the freelancer can receive the payment. It is also worth noting that while these reasons might explain late payments in some cases, there can also be rare instances where clients intentionally delay payments. 

Proactive Measures for Preventing Late Payments

The best way to deal with late payments as a freelancer is to set preventative measures to reduce the negative effects of payment delays. There are a few ways to do this, which are listed below. 

Late Payment Terms

One of the most effective ways to prevent the negative effects of late payments is to include clear and strict late payment terms within your contract or proposal. If, for example, your payment date is Net 30 (due within 30 days of the invoice date), and the client fails to pay within that timeframe, you can implement a late fee for every day that the payment is not received. 

payment terms

Send Clear and Prompt Invoices

In order to receive a payment as soon as possible, send your invoice as soon as the project has been completed or the agreed milestone has been reached. Ensure that the payment details are correct and clearly stated, and send regular payment reminders when there is a delay. 

Use Invoicing Software

You can use software such as Bonsai to automatically send invoices, send payment reminders, add late payment fees, and collect payments directly through Bonsai’s secure platform. You can even set up read receipts to track when the client opens your invoice. 

Maintain Open Communication

Foster a working relationship that encourages open and honest communication at all times. This way, clients who have suddenly encountered cash flow problems can feel more comfortable informing you of their issue, and you can work out a payment plan that works for the both of you. 

Effective Strategies for Addressing Late Payments as a Freelancer

If you are already dealing with an issue with a late payment, you must address the delay as soon as possible for maximum efficacy. Remain professional and assertive in all of your dealings, and enforce late payment fees where possible. 

To set up payment reminders, create a written template yourself or use the one below. 

Subject: Reminder - Outstanding Payment for [Project/Invoice Number]

Dear [Client's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to kindly remind you about the outstanding payment for the services I provided to [Client's Company] for [Project/Invoice Number].

According to the agreed-upon terms, the payment was due on [Due Date], and as of today, it remains unpaid. I understand that oversights can happen, so I wanted to bring this to your attention in case there was an oversight or a delay in the payment process.

I greatly value our working relationship and appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the success of [Client's Company]. However, the late payment has created financial difficulties for my business and is impacting my ability to meet my own financial obligations.

I kindly request that you prioritize the payment at your earliest convenience to avoid further complications. Attached to this email is a copy of the invoice for your reference. The total amount due is [Total Amount Due], which can be paid via [Preferred Payment Method].

If there are any questions, concerns, or issues regarding the payment, please let me know, and I'll be happy to address them promptly. I believe that open communication is key to maintaining a positive and mutually beneficial working relationship.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

On Bonsai, you can set up automatic late payment notifications as well as follow-ups for if the client does not respond. 


If the client expresses that they cannot pay in full at this time, you can set up a payment plan that benefits both your client’s budget and your cash flow needs. You can organize for them to pay the invoice over a period of months, and add interest if you choose. 

Escalating the Issue and Seeking Resolution

Keeping track of your invoices and late payments is crucial for staying on top of your cash flow. As soon as a client fails to pay by the due date, contact them to send them a reminder. Perhaps they have lost track of the date, or they missed the invoice completely. 

If they fail to pay after reminders have been sent, then you may need to escalate the issue to seek resolution. Below are some steps that you can take to escalate the non-payment issue.

Step 1️⃣: Maintain a Paper Trail

Keep records of the original invoice, the contract that states the payment terms, as well as any correspondence between yourself and the client regarding the payment. This can come in handy when dealing with conflict resolution. 

If the client still avoids payment, utilize the services of a mediator or legal representative to contact the client about their refusal to pay. Have the representative explain that you are willing to take legal action against them if they fail to comply, and remind them of your late payment terms.

Step 3️⃣: Take the Issue to Small Claims Court

If you still encounter difficulties collecting payment from the client, you can take the issue to small claims court and get a judge to provide a verdict. Both parties will have an opportunity to explain their side, and an unbiased party will make a decision on how to move forward. 


Late payments can cause serious issues for freelancers, such as a disruption in cash flow, high levels of stress, and difficulty budgeting. While a late payment can seem like a hopeless cause, there are strategies to prevent and deal with the issue. 

Incorporating late payment fees into your contracts or proposals, sending payment reminders, and maintaining an open line of communication between yourself and your client can help you to settle the dispute in a professional and effective manner, without resorting to harsher tactics. However, if the client still refuses to pay, there are some steps that you can take to seek a resolution.

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Effective Strategies for Dealing with Late Payments as a Freelancer

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